When You're Fired After 50

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Job-hunting isn't easy. It requires hard work, a positive attitude, and most of all, perseverance. What happens when you're fired after the age of 50? Suddenly the job hunt goes from difficult to nearly impossible. Unfortunately, more and more experienced workers are finding themselves out of a job due to downsizing and budget cuts. Before you give up hope, it is in fact possible to find employment after the age of 50.

While age discrimination is against the law, it can still occur. Some employers feel that after a certain age, an employee is less likely to have innovative ideas and may not be up to date on the latest technological advances. This slanted view of mature workers is troublesome. It may put your name up on the chopping block if the company that you work for is downsizing. It may also make finding a new job much more difficult. This is why it is especially important to understand what you can do to work against these discriminatory attitudes and land a job you are more than qualified for.

There are a few key things that you can do to increase your chances of being hired. The most important is to break stereotypes. If an employer feels that workers over the age of 50 aren't up to date on technology - then be up to date on technology. Know your stuff. Try taking a class or learning from a friend or family member in order to strengthen your knowledge. Emphasize the technological skills that you have either in person or on your resume. Also, do what you can to let potential employers know that you are willing and able to learn new things. Whatever negative traits an employer believes a worker over 50 possesses, do your best to show that you do not. Separate yourself from any incorrect assumptions related to age and the workplace and showcase your strengths.

Another way to improve your chances of being hired after 50? Highlight your skills and abilities. The reality is that you are not 25.... but that isn't a bad thing! The work that you have done over the last few decades has allowed you to gain and develop skills and abilities that most 25 year olds can only dream of. Play up the things that separate you from the younger generation. Not only do you have experience, but you also know how to effectively problem solve, judge situations, how to be a strong leader, and how to manage other workers. Show potential employers that your experience is a good thing. In order to find employment after 50, you need to highlight the positive attributes that you can offer a business.

It is also a good idea to apply to small companies or businesses. There are a lot more small businesses in North America than there are big corporate companies. Plus, since most smaller businesses are more interested in building the size of their business, your experience in the field will be respected and admired. A small business is more likely to utilize your skills to better their business. When it comes to your job hunt, try looking for jobs in places where your years of experience will be seen as a benefit rather than a detriment.

Finding a job after the age of 50 isn't easy. However, there are things you can do to increase your chances of being hired. Play up what you know about current technologies, the experience that you offer, and how your skills have developed throughout your career. Once you've mastered the art of selling yourself, you will be ready to start the next phase of your career.

To find out more about what to do if you have been fired after the age of 50, along with our Business and Life Coaching by calling: 647-680-6941. Our experienced Sigsoog coaches will be able to help you find success in every aspect of your life.