Should You Follow Up After Your Job Interview?

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So, you had a job interview recently. You did everything right - you researched the company beforehand, you dressed the part, showed up on time, and dazzled them with each and every interview question they threw at you. But you never heard back. Are you left wondering why? You probably didn't follow through.

Just because the interview is over, doesn't mean that your work is done. Following up after a job interview is an important - and necessary - step in the interview process. Unfortunately, this is also a step that many people forget about or don't do. Some feel uncomfortable about following up or fear that they may be pestering the employers. The opposite is true! Following up after an interview shows the company that you are gracious, truly interested in the position, and willing to go the extra mile. Also - some companies actually wait a few weeks before hiring for a position. This allows them to see who will actually take the initiative to follow up after the interview.

So, if you're wondering whether you should follow up after your job interview, the answer is simple: Yes! Following up is always a good idea. It makes you look professional, reliable, and responsible. This can give you that extra competitive edge you need to land the job. The real question isn't whether you should, but the best way to do it. You don't want to appear unprofessional, yet you still want to show your interest and dedication to the company.

To follow up the right way, there are certain steps that you'll need to take. To start with, always send a thank you email to the person you interviewed with. Be sure to send it the same day as the interview - but not immediately after. This way, you will still be fresh in their minds and will gently remind them that you are a serious candidate for the position. Make sure that you double-check spelling and grammar before you send the email. You don't want your follow up to make you appear rushed or unpolished! Take the time to send something short but sincere.

Following up doesn't end there! Approximately five business days after your interview, you will need to call the interviewer. While this task may seem daunting, it is most definitely important. During this phone call, you should let the interviewer know that you are still interested in the job and enquire further into the position. If you call and get an answering machine, don't hang up! Leave a simple and straightforward message on the machine. After you've followed up with a phone call, the interviewer will be the one to initiate communication. However, sending an email now and then inquiring about the position isn't a bad idea.

In a difficult job market, it is more important than ever to stand out. To do this, you will need to follow up after your job interview. Taking a little initiative will show the interviewer that you are serious, dedicated and willing to put in a little extra work! Don't be afraid to follow up - it may just help you get a great job.

Find out more about how to follow up after your job interview, along with our business and life coaching by calling: 647-680-6941. Our experienced Sigsoog coaches will be able to help you find success in every aspect of your life.